


Please read what follows carefully.  To transact business with Sqyrl, you must acknowledge having read, understood and agreed to our Terms of Service by checking a box at the end.  Please note, also, that these Terms are updated and amended from time-to-time.  If you have done business with Sqyrl before, these Terms might have changed in the interim





1.  User Requirements.

You must be at least eighteen (18) years of age to transact business with Sqyrl.  You will be required to complete a personal profile and represent that you are of age before you can begin doing business with us.  Sqyrl will be relying on the personal information you provide, and you will be responsible for keeping that information updated as your circumstances change.

Items that you consign to Sqyrl must comply with Sqyrl’s Storage Requirements, which are posted on this Website.  By checking the box below, you acknowledge having read, understood and agreed to those Requirements as well.

You may not use Sqyrl’s services for the purpose of operating a business providing storage of items for other persons or entities.


2.  Storage.

Your items will be stored in a facility owned and operated by an independent third-party selected by Sqyrl.  The location of that facility may change from time-to-time without notice to you.  You will not be able to access your items directly at the storage facility; to do so will require your request for redelivery of your storage bin to you.

Sqyrl will have the right, at its discretion, to examine the items you store to assure compliance with the Storage Requirements.  If such an examination discloses a violation,

Sqyrl may return your items to you at your cost.  If Sqyrl determines that the violation poses a threat to persons or property, it will have the right to dispose of those items without compensating you.

Sqyrl will provide you with a storage bin or bins for your items.  A one-time charge for each bin will be posted to your account, and the bin or bins will become your property upon redelivery of your items to you.  You may reuse those bins in future transactions with Sqyrl without any additional charge for the bin.

Your items will be stored in a temperature controlled environment.  If you intend to store temperature sensitive items, however, please contact Sqyrl in advance.  Sqyrl cannot and does not guarantee any particular range of temperature and does not have control over the business practices of the storage facility.  You will be assuming the risk of damage from power outage or the failure of environmental controls at the facility that occur without Sqyrl’s knowledge.

You are responsible for what occurs within your storage bin.  If you store items that are prone to mildew, rot, rust, tarnishing, discoloration or deterioration of any kind, you agree that Sqyrl will not be responsible for such damage.

3.  Return of Your Items.

To recover your items, you will have to schedule their redelivery on this Website.  Your account will have to be current at the time of your request, and your bin or bins will be left at the location you have specified in your personal profile.


4.  Charges and Payment.

Sqyrl’s rates for pick-up, storage and redelivery are posted on this Website and are updated from time-to-time.  Storage charges are in advance and are posted to accounts on the first of the month.  You will not be charged for a partial month at the beginning of your storage; you will be charged for the full month in which you request redelivery.

You will be required to provide valid credit card or debit card information for the purposes of charging your account.  You agree that Sqyrl may store that information and use it for all charges to your account as they are incurred.

5.  Termination of Account.

If Sqyrl terminates your account for no reason, it will redeliver your items in accordance with paragraph 3, above, without charge to you.  If termination results from your violation of these Terms or the Storage Requirements, Sqyrl will charge you for the return of your items unless Sqyrl has disposed of them as provided in paragraph 2, above, or has retained them as provided by law by reason of delinquency of your account.

6.  Limitation of Liability.

a. Your Obligations.

You are responsible for reviewing, understanding and complying with these Terms and the Storage Requirements.  By checking the box at the bottom of the last page of these Terms you are representing that you have done that and that you will so comply.  You agree that you will defend, indemnify and hold Sqyrl harmless from and against any claims, demands, legal actions or settlements that arise from your violation of any of these Terms or the Storage Requirements, or otherwise from your culpable conduct, and will be responsible for Sqyrl’s reasonable attorney’s fees and other costs incurred in responding to such claims, or in recovering such fees and costs in a separate action.

b.  Monetary Limitations.

Should the contents of your bin become damaged or lost by reason of Sqyrl’s fault, or its failure to discharge any of its obligations under these Terms, its liability shall be limited to the lesser of the actual value of the contents or $250.  You will have the burden of proving the value of the lost or damaged items.  Under no circumstances will Sqyrl be responsible for any consequential, exemplary, or other form of damages.

c.  Personal Identifying Information.

Transacting business with Sqyrl will require you to set up an account, establish a user name and password, and complete a customer profile.  Sqyrl will take all reasonable steps, consistent with industry practices, to maintain the confidentiality of the information you provide.  You understand and agree that Sqyrl is not and cannot be a guarantor of the confidentiality of your information and you assume the risk that it could be misappropriated without fault by Sqyrl.  You will be responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of that information as well, and you agree that Sqyrl will not be liable for any loss you incur by reason of unauthorized use of your information unless it results from Sqyrl’s failure to exercise reasonable care in keeping it secure.

d.  Legal Process.

If Sqyrl is served with legal process respecting any property you have consigned to it for storage, Sqyrl will notify you of it by the means you have specified in your customer profile.  Sqyrl will thereafter comply with all obligations imposed by that process and will have no obligations to you other than giving you notice of that service.  Under no circumstances will Sqyrl be liable to you for any loss or injury you incur by reason of its compliance with or discharge of obligations attendant to the service of such process upon it.

e.  Warranties.

Sqyrl makes no warranties, express or implied, regarding the services it provides you other than as set forth in these Terms.  You agree that, in transacting business with Sqyrl, you are not relying on any presumed warranty or promise of any kind except as set forth herein, nor on any oral promises or guarantees.

7.  Entire Agreement.

These Terms and the Storage Requirements, in effect as of your acknowledgement of and agreement to them by checking the box below, constitute the complete agreement between us as to the handling of your storage items.  You agree that there are no other understandings, agreements or promises, oral or written, that are a part of our agreement.


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